Appointment of Liquidators
Name of Company: MEDIA2GO LTD
Company Number: 11695897
Company Type: Registered Company
Nature of the business: Wholesale of audio tapes, records, CDs and video tapes and the equipment on which these are played
Type of Liquidation: Creditors’ Voluntary
Registered office: 235 Seymour Grove, Manchester M16 9QS
Principal trading address: 235 Seymour Grove, Manchester M16 9QS
Office Holder/s: Robert Cooksey, of Bridgestones Limited and, 125-127 Union Street, Oldham OL1 1TE, Telephone: 0161 785 3700, Email address: (CVL913)
Office Holder Number/s: 9040
Date of appointment: 08 February 2022
By whom Appointed: Creditors
Friday 11 February 2022
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