Appointment of Liquidators
Name of Company: FAIRS ESTATES LTD
Company Number: 11061901
Trading Name: Fairs Estates
Nature of Business: Real estate agencies
Registered office: Will be changed to Leonard Curtis, 9th Floor, 7 Park Row, Leeds, LS1 5HD. It is currently Units 8 & 9 Parsons Court Welbury W, Aycliffe Business Park, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham DL5 6ZE
Type of Liquidation: Creditors
Date of Appointment: 25 August 2022
Liquidator’s name and address: Iain Nairn (IP No. 013594) of Azets, Unit 13, Kingsway House, Kingsway Team Valley, Trading Estate, Gateshead NE11 0HW and Anthony Milnes (IP No. 23150) of Leonard Curtis, 9th Floor, 7 Park Row, Leeds, LS1 5HD
By whom Appointed: Members and Creditors
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