Appointment of Administrators
In the High Court of Justice
Court Number: CR-2025-001376
(Company Number 10940026)
Trading Name: Poole Quay Hotel
Nature of Business: Hotel
Registered office: 30 Old Street Old Street, London, EC1V 9AB in the process of being changed to Jupiter House, Warley Hill Business Park, The Drive, Brentwood, Essex, CM13 3BE
Principal trading address: Thistle Poole Hotel, Poole, BH15 1RD
Date of Appointment: 28 February 2025
Names and Address of Administrators: Julie Humphrey (IP No. 23930) and Glyn Mummery (IP No. 8996) both of FRP Advisory Trading Limited, Jupiter House, Warley Hill Business Park, The Drive, Brentwood, Essex, CM13 3BE
Further details contact: The Joint Administrators, Email:, Tel: 01277 50 33 33. Alternative contact: Holly Dowsett-Ward, Email:
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