Appointment of Administrators
In the High Court of Justice
Business and Property Courts of England and Wales, Insolvency & Companies List (ChD) Court Number: CR-2025-986
(Company Number 03818589)
Nature of Business: Gas maintenance services
Registered office: 106 Carter Lane, Mansfield, NG18 3DH
Principal trading address: 31-33 Pinfold Road, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE4 8AS
Date of Appointment: 27 February 2025
Names and Address of Administrators: Christopher Lewis (IP No. 24710) of RSM UK Restructuring Advisory LLP, 10th Floor, 103 Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 3AG and Tyrone Courtman (IP No. 7237) of RSM UK Restructuring Advisory LLP, 2nd Floor, East West Building, 2 Tollhouse Hill, Nottingham, NG1 5FS
Correspondence address & contact details of case manager: Daniel Evans of RSM UK Restructuring Advisory LLP, 10th Floor, 103 Colmore Row, Birmingham, B3 3AG, Tel: 0121 214 3100.
Further details contact: Christopher Lewis, Tel: 0121 214 3100 or Tyrone Courtman, Tel: 0116 282 0550.
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