Appointment of Liquidators Company Number: SC408829 Name of Company: CENTRAL SCOTLAND KITCHENS LIMITED Trading Name: CSK Bespoke Type of Liquidation: Joinery installation Registered office: First Floor, 4 Earls Court, Roseland Hall Earls Gate Park, Grangemouth, FK3 8ZE Principal trading address: The Showroom, Grangemouth Road, Bo’ness, EH51 0PU Liquidator’s name and address: Kenneth Wilson Pattullo and Kenneth Robert Craig, both of Begbies Traynor (Central) LLP, 1 Lochrin Square, 92-98 Fountainbridge, Edinburgh, EH3 9QA. Office Holder Numbers: 008368 and 008584. Further details contact: The Joint Liquidators, Tel: 0131 222 9060 or Email: edinburgh@btguk.com. Alternative