145 SMR LIMITED and other companies

Appointment of Liquidators

Name of Company: 1 CR LIMITED

Company Number: 11530592

Name of Company: 145 SMR LIMITED

Company Number: 11951183

Name of Company: 174A WF LIMITED

Company Number: 12321830

Name of Company: 199 CMR LIMITED

Company Number: 11114245

Name of Company: 205 CMR LIMITED

Company Number: 11530556

Name of Company: 23 HR LIMITED

Company Number: 12213721

Name of Company: 24 LR LIMITED

Company Number: 12421332

Name of Company: 31 BR LIMITED

Company Number: 11218280

Name of Company: 6 GR LIMITED

Company Number: 12353803

Name of Company: 205 BR LIMITED

Company Number: 12300565

Nature of Business: Buying and Selling of own real estate

Registered office: (All of) St Ledger, 112 London Road, Southborough, TN4 0PN

Type of Liquidation: Creditors

Date of Appointment: 3 October 2022

Liquidator’s name and address: Mark Reynolds (IP No. 8838) of Valentine & Co, Galley House, Moon Lane, Barnet, EN5 5YL

By whom Appointed: Members and Creditors

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Appointment Details

Date of appointment – 03/10/2022

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