Petitions to Wind Up (Companies)
Company Number: SC414824
NOTICE is hereby given that on 25 November 2024 a Petition by Velocity Café and Bicycle Workshop Ltd was presented to the Sheriff of Grampian, Highland and Islands at Inverness craving the Court for inter alia an order under the Insolvency Act 1986 that the said Velocity Café and Bicycle Workshop Ltd, having Company Number SC414824 and its registered office and main seat of business at 1 Crown Avenue, Inverness, IV2 3NF, be wound up by the Court and to appoint Interim Liquidators to the said Company; in which Petition the Sheriff by Interlocutor dated 25 November 2024 appointed Notice of the Import of the Petition and deliverance be advertised once in the Edinburgh Gazette and once in the Inverness Courier newspaper; ordained any persons interested, if they intend to show cause why the prayer of the Petition should not be granted, to lodge Answers thereto in the hands of the Sheriff Clerk at Inverness (quoting ref: INV-L20-24) within eight days after such intimation, service or advertisement, under certification; all of which notice is hereby given.
Stronachs LLP
Camas House, Fairways Business Park, Inverness, IV2 6AA
Ref: CS/HG/053687.1
Email: disputes@stronachs.com
Tele: 01463 – 713225
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